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988 National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If you or someone you care about are in crisis, we're here to help.

What is 988?

As of July 2022, 988 is a three-digit phone number that has been designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as the new national suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline number in the United States. This number is intended to make it easier for people in crisis to access immediate help and support from trained professionals via text, phone call or chat.


How do I know if a friend or someone I know might be suicidal?

  • Statements about harming themselves
  • Identifying themselves as a burden to others
  • No longer participating in social gatherings
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • No longer participating in sports, clubs, or activities
  • Anxious or agitated behaviors

What can I do?

  • Talk to a parent, teacher, school counselor or trusted adult
  • Talk to a trusted friend, colleague or loved ones
  • Call, text, or chat 988

Remember: Even if the person you know would be upset with you or end the friendship, potentially saving their life is the most important outcome.

How do I know if I might be suicidal?

Any of the above outward expressions, in addition to:

  • Feeling hopeless; like nothing will get better, or that there is no light at the end of the tunnel
  • Feeling depressed every day, most of the day
  • Having thoughts of self-harm or dying
  • Creating a plan for attempting suicide
  • Withdrawing from friends and family

What are my resources?

988 offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, mental health, substance use or any kind of emotional distress.

  • You can call 988 for yourself
  • You can call 988 if you are worried about a friend or someone else in school
  • You can call 988 if you are worried about a loved one

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988