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Self-Care & Wellness

Improving our mental health through reading

Reading provides mental health benefits such as giving us a break from screens and feeling less isolated through connecting with characters.

Read More - Improving our mental health through reading

Anxiety & Depression

Taking care of ourselves and our children in the wake of trauma and tragedy

When traumatic events happen in our world, it can be difficult to process.

Read More - Taking care of ourselves and our children in the wake of trauma and tragedy

Anxiety & Depression

Starting self-care: Creating a wellness plan that works for you

Starting a self-care and wellness plan can be intimidating, but no one has to do it alone.

Read More - Starting self-care: Creating a wellness plan that works for you

Anxiety & Depression

How to know when to ask for help with our mental health

We all deserve to take care of ourselves.

Read More - How to know when to ask for help with our mental health

Trauma & PTSD

Navigating conversations about trauma

Opening up the dialogue may be daunting, but the potential benefits can be life-changing

Read More - Navigating conversations about trauma

Anxiety & Depression

The four phrases our children need to hear every day

Being mindful of the way we are thinking and talking about our kids has an impact on our own well-being and the well-being of our families.

Read More - The four phrases our children need to hear every day

Anxiety & Depression

Is social media affecting your child’s mental health?

Social media is commonplace for teens and adolescents these days, but what are the mental health risks involved and how can parents help their kids steer clear of these issues?

Read More - Is social media affecting your child’s mental health?

Trauma & PTSD

How to support someone going through a mental health crisis

A mental health crisis isn't something that we can easily prepare for, but there are ways to help someone in need.

Read More - How to support someone going through a mental health crisis

Anxiety & Depression

“We’re human:” What we can all learn from Olympic athletes focusing on mental health

We all have mental health, and these courageous athletes are reminding us to continually assess, prioritize, and take care of ourselves.

Read More - “We’re human:” What we can all learn from Olympic athletes focusing on mental health

Anxiety & Depression

Four ways to empower your child after a year no one expected

Burrell Behavioral Health saw a significant increase in the demand for youth mental health services after the onset of the pandemic. As children and teens return to more pre-pandemic activities, demand continues to rise.

Read More - Four ways to empower your child after a year no one expected


How to have the hard conversation about addiction

For anyone who might be worried about a loved one, it can be difficult to know when to bring up their substance use, what to say and how to help.

Read More - How to have the hard conversation about addiction

Anxiety & Depression

Five simple techniques for coping with stressors and managing emotions

From box breathing to mindful walking, here are some easy tips for everyday challenges.

Read More - Five simple techniques for coping with stressors and managing emotions

If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health or substance-use crisis, please call our toll-free 24-hour telephone line. Our team can help provide immediate assistance.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

National Help Line: Call or Text 988